About LungCAN®
Home - About LungCAN®
The Lung Cancer Action Network (LungCAN®)
The organization was started in 2008 by a small group of advocates working at nonprofit lung cancer organizations. It continues because it benefits the members as well as our shared industry partners.
Originally called “the Lung Bunch, LungCAN began in 2007 with advocates from the few organizations existing at that time. Since then LungCAN has welcomed the influx of new advocacy organizations, as well as the patient biomarker groups. LungCAN provides a platform for lung cancer advocates to communicate their activities, programs, resources and concerns to member organizations.
Oftentimes, LungCAN member organizations collaborate with other members to achieve their shared goals more effectively, efficiently and to a broader audience.

Patient’s Bill of Rights
Is a collaborative group of lung cancer advocacy organizations that have come together to raise public awareness about the realities of lung cancer. Our intention is to increase funding for detecting, treating, and curing the disease.
I have the right to receive a comprehensive cancer treatment plan, including:
Treatments for my cancer, including chemotherapy, targeted therapy, surgical and/or radiation treatments, as appropriate for me.
Therapies to help keep me comfortable before, during, and after my cancer treatment.
Pain control.
Psychosocial care for myself and my loved ones.
Survivorship care planning.
I have the right to biomarker testing of my tumor tissue, if appropriate for me, to ensure I have the right care for my particular tumor.
I have the right to be informed about any clinical trials that may be appropriate for me.
I have the right to a second opinion.
I have the right to be treated with respect and dignity regardless of my smoking history.
LungCAN member organizations provide resources in a single place. Please use this website to access organizations that can help you find the information and assistance you need, when you need it!